Saying good-bye and moving on is always bittersweet (we chatted about what that means). I'm sad to see them move on but they are ready for the new challenge. Thanks so much for all our families who supported us along the way with supplies, volunteering and guidance from home. We couldn't have done it without our 2nd grade village. Best wishes for a fun, relaxing summer! I'm always here if you need anything. Check out the summer reading idea page . Enjoy these last scenes from room 140 and beyond! Pine cobble hike Celebrating Flag Day Self Portraits inspired by Freda Kahlo Mini Unit on Pond Life Pond animals I saw while kayaking
Hard to believe it's March already. This can be a long month with no breaks or special events but we will find some fun to get us excited about learning. Exploring continents with our table teams. Science Lab - the work of water Dominion's Dad shared books and music from Nigeria! During Geography on Friday we crafted some gorgeous compass roses.
What a fabulous week we had in 2nd grade! Thank you to all our families who donated, volunteered and chaperoned. Thursday we celebrated the amazing country of Mexico with a yummy fiesta, beautiful traditional Mexican crafts and even a performance of La Cucaracha by a group of 6th graders(thanks to our amazing instrumental music teacher). Friday mother nature treated us to a picture perfect day for our Pine Cobble Hike. Spending time with friends and exploring nature was a nice way to spend a day as the year winds down.