
Showing posts from March, 2024

Around the World we go!

Wow those projects were great! Oliver interviewing Ernest Shackleton (Grandpa) More to come


Celebrating the first day of Spring with drawings and some tulips.

River Walk

We had so much fun and put our learning into practice down by the river. Ask your 2nd graders what a confluence is!

Exploring the World

We love learning about the world! Bear's Dad Trevor came and shared artifacts, info and stories from his time in The Philippines. We even got to taste calamansi juice. Ms. Christa stopped to share a story about Frustrated Ninja. Friday day we got to check out some amazing solar telescopes in a preview of the upcoming solar eclipse. Just for fun we had a picnic snack on Friday to enjoy the warm sunny day.

In like a Lamb

Hard to believe it's March already.  This can be a long month with no breaks or special events but we will find some fun to get us excited about learning. Exploring continents with our table teams. Science Lab - the work of water Dominion's Dad shared books and music from Nigeria!  During Geography on Friday we crafted some gorgeous compass roses.